About the app
my care matters is a digital web app built for care homes and individuals to improve the experience of care for people who are in care environments. The app allows you to create 1 free profile that contains all the important information about a person. It includes everything associated with their care needs saving them from potential mistakes, discomfort and misunderstandings.
Care homes who need more profiles or individuals who wish to upgrade can subscribe to unlock more profiles. Care homes will be able to make profiles for multiple people and have multiple staff members signed up to keep things up to date. The software as a service platform uses Laravel Spark as its starting point and integrates with the Stripe API to handle billing.
Laravel Spark provides all the boilerplate code that most software as a service would use. Credia then customised the system to fit the clients needs saving a lot of time and development costs. There is no need to reinvent the wheel, especially if it's for common tasks that so many people in the past would have written before.
As Spark is built on top of Laravel, more time was saved as we were able to reuse plugins that were made in previous Credia projects.
Emergency contact notifications
Where there is a need to contact a persons emergency contact, my care matters makes it very easy to contact them. The system has SMS and email notifications to make sure loved ones are notified immediately.
Retrieving a profile
If a person who has a profile finds themselves in hospital, staff can quickly retrieve their information and have critical information like their conditions, medications and key contacts available at their fingertips.