Our clients can choose from a comprehensive list of services on different platforms, ranging from the web to desktop applications. We never stop learning and make sure we're always up to speed with the latest developments in the fast-paced world of technology. Today, we provide an ever-growing range of services and solutions to clients in the United Kingdom and beyond.
Web design & developmentWe create bespoke, handcrafted websites; none of this pre-made bootstrap template stuff! Whether you want a simple, static website or one with full content management, we can meet your needs. Credia uses only the latest and greatest technologies to bring you responsive, search engine optimised websites that are accessible to all your customers. Once your website is online, we can also help you with search engine optimisation to make sure that your website performs well on search engines. |
Cybersecurity solutionsYou need to protect your business long term, and we have a range of security services to help with that. Our goal is to design manageable and meaningful solutions that create the least friction during your day-to-day operations. We take into consideration risks, economics, privacy, behaviour and more, so your security model is moulded to your requirements without breaking information security rules. |
E-commerce storefrontsIf you want to sell your products or services online, you can do so very easily with the right help. We will set up your store, train you, and help you monitor and manage your orders, invoices and more. We will securely set up your website to include 2048 bits of encryption, which will ensure the security of your website and its transactions. We usually use Braintree or Stripe as a payment processor, allowing you to get started very quickly without having to worry about the security of handling card details. You can also create a Shopify store that connects to your custom-made website. |
Mobile applicationsHave an idea for an app? Need an app for your business? We can do that, too! You can have native or cross-platform apps supporting a wide range of devices, including iOS, Andriod and Windows Phone. We can help you set up an iOS and Android account and guide you through all the complexities that are involved in publishing apps on today's app stores. |
Hardware design & developmentIf your business requires specialist electronic hardware, then we can take care of your product lifecycle. From design and assembly to manufacturing, we can help you create the right product to fit your needs. Credia is experienced in programming and creating on Raspberry Pi, Arduino, Picaxe and more. |
State-of-the-art hostingHosting can be as important as the design of your websites. What's the point having a flashy website if it doesn't load in time to keep your visitors? We use the latest protocols and next-gen servers to give you a performant and resilient hosting solution. From automated back-ups to failover servers, we make sure that there is minimum downtime for your business. |
Requirements engineeringBefore you write a single line of code to solve a business problem, you need to define what that problem is. What are your requirements? What is your budget? Who are your stakeholders? All of these questions and more can be answered with requirement elicitation. This is where a developer will interview stakeholders to gain insight into the problem, needs and wants of a project. Credia will go through this stage of the software development cycle so that the final product meets your specification. |
Internet marketingWant to send e-marketing emails to your customers? We can create custom and compatible email templates. Need to advertise online? We help you with your Google Adwords needs. Need to manage your social media accounts? We can give you access to our social media management system. Whatever your marketing needs, we have a solution for you. |
As a valued Credia client, you'll benefit from all the features you need to run a successful website, without having to pay extra. We don't think these are 'additional options' - the following features are a vital part of your website and it just wouldn't be the quality you expect from us if it wasn't included.
Premade solutions, so-called "out of the box" solutions provided by sites like WordPress, Wix, Squarespace etc are not always the best solution and often is very expensive long-term. My clients who tried to make websites from a template or were sold very cheap websites. They found with the template websites, with all its widgets and plugins, became very messy and complex. Amazingly, the website couldn’t even do what was actually needed to do and their users hated it. They had just created another generic website like a thousand others. That’s when they realised the real need to spend a bit of money to get a custom built website that got the job done right.
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